SolidWorks in Education featured at SolidWorks World 2012

Day 3 at SolidWorks World has always been student day.  We bring in high school students from the surrounding community.  This year we also highlighted the success of educators that work with us to bring innovative tools to their students. Ireland has trained over 1400 teachers which resulted in 142000 students that know core geometry and product design with SolidWorks.  Jack Van Der Broek from Vak College in the Netherlands has 800 students starting at age 10 that use SolidWorks in vocational technical school.

The education portion of Day 3 starts at approximately 15:00min .  The student design contest winners are announced, then student projects displayed at SolidWorks World are highlighted.  A big thank you goes to our educators, students, mentors, customers, resellers and partners that are all part of the SolidWorks educational community.  Finally I  interviewed the founder and CEO of Alderbaran-Robotics, Bruno Maisonnier,  on stage.  Just a great day to be part of the SolidWorks community.


 I am fortunate to work with an amazing team of education business professionals that do so much for their communities.  SolidWorks Education provides design and simulation software, curriculum and certification to help educators inspire their students in engineering, technology and science and to help students get the job ready skills for our SolidWorks commerical customers.

Thanks to affordable pricing and a professional community that needs graduates with SolidWorks skills, we have a great success in SolidWorks education:

  • 1.25 million SolidWorks education licenses sold
  • 80 countries
  • Middle school, high school, technical vocation institutions, college, univerisity and university reasearch
  • 2.5 million student everday use SolidWorks

 I programmed my first robot at Rutgers University with a microprocessor from an Apple II.  Standing on stage at SolidWorks World with 5600 engineers was one of the highlights of my career.  Marie


Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.