SolidWorks Tutorial01 Axis for Engineering and Technical Instruction

Axis   Due to file size, a teacher asked me to posting each one of the12 Dutch tutorials seperately.  These Vocational Technical Tutorials created Jack van den Broek , Vakcollege Dr. Knippenberg, Netherlands and SolidWorks Benelux provide create instruction on SolidWorks techniques for creating parts, assemblies and drawings.  All parts can be machined or formed.  The first tutorial creates introduces students to the SolidWorks User Interface and creates a part with different diameters. Marie

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Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard