SolidWorks World 2013 Partner Profile: CAD Partner GmbH

SolidWorks World 2013 Partner Profile: CAD Partner GmbH

One of the things we've heard from SolidWorks World attendees
over the past few years is that you'd like to learn more in advance
about the SolidWorks partners who set up booths in the Partner
Pavilion. So now through SolidWorks World 2013,
we'll be posting a series of blog entries about some of the
partners you might think about checking out, and the people who will
be representing them. Today we hear from CAD Partner GmbH.


Tell us about CAD Partner. What do you do?

was started
in 1989 and has continued to establish itself as a successful software
developer and retailer. We specialize
in efficient 3D-CAD software distribution for engineering and plant production.
Our Smap3D product family covers everything from
design administration with a standard parts library to 3D pipeline planning

Our experienced
staff provides professional consulting and marketing as well as comprehensive,
demand-oriented support – from standard solutions to customer-specific,
complete CAD solutions! Our
competent user-support offers full technical assistance in development,
software implementation, training and supervision.

... Continued