Keep On (Monster) Truckin’: Detailing the Max-D
Keep On (Monster) Truckin’ is an ongoing series dedicated to updating our readers on the progress of the SOLIDWORKS R&D’s Magic Wheelchair project.
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Follow along as the SOLIDWORKS R&D team creates an incredible costume for Jonah, a wheelchair-bound eleven-year-old, as part of the Magic Wheelchair Challenge.
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When the SOLIDWORKS team was introduced to the Magic Wheelchair organization at Maker Faire, we found our new design-make project! Magic Wheelchair builds epic costumes for kiddos in wheelchairs at no cost to families. SOLIDWORKS is a proud sponsor of the Magic Wheelchair organization, providing SOLIDWORKS software
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Hackathon in Milan
Catch up on all the action you missed during the xDesign Hackathon that took place during the Design in the Age of Experience event in Milan, Italy.
... ContinuedDriveWorks 16 Released
Learn how you can offer your customers customized products easier and faster than ever with DriveWorks 16.
... ContinuedEd Gebo Weighs in on His Experience With SOLIDWORKS xDesign
Hear how Ed Gebo has played a key role in evaluating SOLIDWORKS xDesign.
... ContinuedThe Magic Behind Hollywood Blockbusters Using SOLIDWORKS
Read how Joseph Hiura and Robert Andrew Johnson have used SOLIDWORKS to create iconic art designs and sets from Blade Runner 2049 to Batman and Avatar to Oblivion.
... ContinuedKicking the Tires of SOLIDWORKS xDesign
Stephen Endersby, director of Product Portfolio Management at SOLIDWORKS, puts xDesign through its paces.
... Continued3D Printing: Curing Cancer and Going Mainstream
If doctors and plane manufacturers and world-class champions can use 3D printing to become best in class, imagine how you can use this technology for your applications.
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Challenge Submission – Shawn Lesley
The fourth person we would like to profile from the SOLIDWORKS World xDesign challenge is Shawn Lesley. He shared the following with us regarding the challenge: When I first started trying to figure out what I would design for the
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Find out what was the inspiration behind our next SOLIDWORKS xDesign Challenge submission by Ethan Kinney.
... ContinuedFirst xDesign Challenge Submission: David Antanavige, ULC Robotics
Here’s a look at the first submission from the xDesign Challenge that took place at SOLIDWORKS World in February.
... ContinuedFrom SOLIDWORKS Design to Manufacture using the 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace
Described as the Amazon of manufacturing, this end-to-end management of the process will make manufacturing and sourcing of components more convenient than ever before.
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Mini Design Challenge: The Story Behind the Challenge – Part 1
This is the first of a series of blog posts on the SOLIDWORKS xDesign Mini Design Challenge.
... ContinuedIntroducing the New Artificial Intelligence Denoiser
Learn about a brand new super-feature is coming to SOLIDWORKS Visualize 2018 SP3 called the AI (Artificial Intelligence) Denoiser that instantly enables you to render 10x faster.
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