Why YOU Should be Presenting at SOLIDWORKS World 2016
FREE ADMISSION!! Well, that’s one reason, and a fairly popular one at that. Free admission to the world largest 3D CAD conference is a nice perk, but bear with me and I’ll show you that there are more (and better) benefits
... Continued100,000th CSWA Certificate Issued!
Please welcome guest blogger Avelino Rochino as he talks about the SOLIDWORKS Certification Program (and SOLIDWORKS User Groups). Hello SOLIDWORKS community! My name is Avelino Rochino and I am one of the SOLIDWORKS Certification team members responsible for managing the Certification
... Continued"I'd Like to Meet Phil Sluder Please"
The SOLIDWORKS 2016 Launch event was a huge success. Thanks to all of you that watched the live feed, and special thanks to those that attended the event in person. I was fortunate enough to be able to invite several
... ContinuedHas it Really Been 10 Years?
I’ve had the privilege of helping several of our SOLIDWORKS User Groups celebrate their 10 year anniversaries this year, and I still have five more to go. Each time I’m left in awe – for 10 straight years, a SOLIDWORKS
... ContinuedSWUGN Group Leader Spotlight – Kendra Wardlow
Since 1996, SOLIDWORKS User Groups have been a valuable resource for SOLIDWORKS users all over the world. The SWUGN Committee and DS SOLIDWORKS provide ample support, but the real stars are the SOLIDWORKS User Group Leaders. Every couple of weeks
... ContinuedTodd Blacksher Opens Up About SWUGN
I’ve been around the SOLIDWORKS Community for a long time, and I meet a lot of fellow SOLIDWORKS users that are just as passionate about the community as I am. Group leaders, group members, and the SWUGN Committee members are
... ContinuedSWUGN Group Leader Spotlight – Michael Marshall
Since 1996, SOLIDWORKS User Groups have been a valuable resource for SOLIDWORKS users all over the world. The SWUGN Committee and DS SOLIDWORKS provide ample support, but the real stars are the SOLIDWORKS User Group Leaders. Every couple of weeks
... ContinuedComing Up in the SOLIDWORKS User Group Network
It’s not often that I’m home for almost two months straight, but that changes starting next week with upcoming visits to SOLIDWORKS User Groups in Yakima, Portland, and Seattle. The following week I’ll travel to “The City
... ContinuedSWUGN Group Leader Spotlight – Denny Bahl
Since 1996, SOLIDWORKS User Groups have been a valuable resource for SOLIDWORKS users all over the world. The SWUGN Committee and DS SOLIDWORKS provide ample support, but the real stars are the SOLIDWORKS User Group Leaders. Every couple of weeks
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS User Group Network News and Notes
Summertime is typically a little slower when it comes to SOLIDWORKS User Group meetings, but there’s still plenty going on in the SOLIDWORKS Community. One of our South Florida groups got a new name recently, deciding on Broward County SOLIDWORKS
... ContinuedSWUGN Group Leader Spotlight – Ricky Jordan
Since 1996, SOLIDWORKS User Groups have been a valuable resource for SOLIDWORKS users all over the world. The SWUGN Committee and DS SOLIDWORKS provide ample support, but the real stars are the SOLIDWORKS User Group Leaders. Every couple of weeks
... ContinuedSWUGN Summit – Philadelphia. Let's Set a Record.
The SOLIDWORKS User Group Network began hosting the SWUGN Technical Summits back in 2006, and since then more than 70 events have been held in various cities around the US and the world. Attendance has varied depending on the location,
... ContinuedHave a Great 4th, Then Head Out to a SOLIDWORKS User Group Meeting
It’s been a slow week in the SOLIDWORKS User Group Network as people get ready for the three-day Holiday weekend. Next week things get back to normal. SOLIDWORKS Certification guru Avelino Rochino heads out to the Northwest US for
... ContinuedA Friday SWUGN Wrap-up
The crowd was a little smaller than we had hoped at the SWUGN Summit – St. Louis this week, but the attendees that were able to attend were treated to
... ContinuedLondon to Liverpool
I spent last week in England and attended two very good SOLIDWORKS User Group meetings, managed to navigate the London underground system, and took a hair raising ride to Heathrow airport on Friday. All in all a very good trip.
... Continued