3DEXPERIENCE World 2025’s Call For Speakers Is Open – Why You Should Speak

It is my great pleasure to announce that the time has come for you to submit your amazing presentation ideas for what you would like to present at everyone’s favorite user conference – 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025, being held in Houston TX, February 23 – 26, 2025.

Packed full of design-to-manufacturing technology solutions, 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025 is the place to investigate new technology with thousands of like-minded people.  3DEXPERIENCE World is a must-attend event for anyone involved with product development, and I hope to see as many of you as possible attending and presenting your knowledge and experience.

A big part of what makes 3DEXPERIENCE World such a great event is the user agenda where your peers share their knowledge and know-how. And you have the chance to make it better than ever before by being one of many presenters who use their real-world experiences to create a special learning experience. Whether it’s how to use the software they have better, learn about new solutions or how you have overcome a product design-to-manufacturing challenge, we want to hear from YOU.

The first step to becoming a presenter at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025 is to submit your paper idea(s). At this time, we don’t need you to submit the complete presentation, just a descriptive title and a short abstract that will enable us to select the best presentations for the limited number of sessions available at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025.

If your submission is accepted, you’ll receive complimentary access to the entire conference and a special thank-you gift in recognition of your time and effort to make 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025 a great event for all attendees.

So what kinds of presentations are we looking for? They fall into three buckets:


  • Customer Case Studies: A presentation on how you addressed a challenge in an innovative way, to enhance product performance, solve difficult issues and delight the end user.
  • Instructional & Best Practices: These provide ways for attendees to learn new skills or refresh existing ones with detailed guided learning on one or more product or technical skills. Content might include tips and tricks, best practices, processes or technical workflows.

Product Learning:

  • Hands-On Workshop: These ‘How to’ interactive guided learning seasons will lead the attendees through the software to solve a particular challenge in a small classroom audience.

Collaborative Learning:

  • Meet-Up Sessions: An interactive networking session focused on engaging with your peers and sharing your experiences using Dassault Systemes tools. These sessions can feature a case study, a panel discussion or a dialogue focused on a specific discipline, product or industry.

The presentations are broken into four levels:

  • Beginner: Attendees are looking to see how a product works and can be applied to basic problems.
  • Intermediate: Attendees are looking for tips and tricks on products and workflows. “Work smarter, not harder” presentations.
  • Advanced: Attendees have experience with the product and are looking for a deeper understanding of it so that they can optimize their workflows.
  • All: These sessions are relevant to all attendees. Content is mostly informative, highlighting the benefits of a workflow or product and assumes zero prior technical knowledge.

There never seem to be enough advanced classes at 3DEXPERIENCE World.  Let’s break that trend this year by hitting it out of the park with real head-scratchers! Do you have some CAD Management life lessons you would like to pass on? Are you a Simulation guru? We are looking for you!

Reasons you should speak at 3DEXPERIENCE World

I have attended ‘World’ since 2003 and I have presented, in the User Agenda, at all but two of them. At those events I could be found on stage during the General Session and helping out in the Dassault Systemes booth and hands-on workshop rooms. So why do I do it? And why do I think you should do it too? Well, here are a few reasons, in no particular order:

  1. As engineer, we are problem solvers. And we love to share our knowledge with others so they can progress their designs. Our community truly exemplifies the phrase “standing on the shoulders of giants.” If you have been using your solution from SOLIDWORKS for a couple of years, I’m sure you have picked up some neat workflows or tips and trick that others can benefit from. Users love to hear from other users on how they get their jobs done.
  2. It’s a great networking opportunity. The conversations you have before and after your talk will open many doors to new opportunities. Many speakers over the years have ended up with business opportunities, job offers or new clients after presenting at World.
  3. It is a great door opener. If you do a great presentation at 3DEXPERIENCE World, you might find that you are asked to present at another conference, or a company meeting, or industry event!
  4. It’s a fantastic achievement to add to your resume (especially if you win a Speaker award!) Employers are always looking for individuals who put themselves out there and are willing to share their knowledge.  Let’s face it – that means you are a team player as well.

Have I convinced you to present? If so, visit WWW.SOLIDWORKS.COM/3DXW25-CALLFORSPEAKERS  and submit your idea. We don’t need your final presentation right now, just your proposed title and a brief, but compelling, session description.  Just enough information so that the Agenda Leaders can make good decisions during the selection process.  Then if your proposal is selected, you will still have a couple of months to pull the rest together!

So don’t delay and submit yours today. The Call for Speakers is only open for three weeks!  The deadline to submit your presentation abstract is October 16th.  Visit WWW.SOLIDWORKS.COM/3DXW25-CALLFORSPEAKERS to submit your presentation ideas today.

Stephen Endersby
Stephen Endersby is a Director of Product Portfolio Management at Dassault Systemes SOLIDWORKS. A passionate believer in the benefits of the early use of design analysis to optimize products for strength, durability and sustainability. Stephen is confident that every designer can make use of the simulation tools from Dassault Systems to improve product performance, and customer satisfaction while reducing their environmental impact and increasing a company’s market share. With over 20 years of experience Stephen has worked with companies of all sizes to help them overcome the many design to manufacture challenges they face. Well versed in the application of technology to deliver end user value and improve productivity, for Stephen technology changes but his desire to deliver solutions and value remains the same.