ICYMI- Meet Two Incredibly Powerful SOLIDWORKS Users

A few months ago I had the opportunity to sit down and interview two incredibly well-known, high digital cred SOLIDWORKS users: Todd Blacksher and Deepak Gupta.

Both Todd and Deepak have been using SOLIDWORKS for years and truly are experts when it comes to knowing so many details about how to maximize one’s usage of SOLIDWORKS and have a very deep well of knowledge when it comes to the little tips-and-tricks and shortcuts that make everyone’s usage of SOLIDWORKS even better.

Todd Blacksher, Deepak Gupta and Todd’s wife at SOLIDWORKS World 2018.


In chatting with Todd, I learned what he loves so much about SOLIDWORKS like:

“…SOLIDWORKS is really powerful because of all the little things, and it’s the stuff that you don’t think about. But this tool saves clicks, this shortcut saves time. And I always just called it “All the Small Things“. I started piecing them together and put together a presentation and called it, “All the Small Things” because it was always I would help somebody out and it’s like: wait, back up…how did you do that? And I was like: Oh, just this shortcut? Everybody knows about that. No, I didn’t; no, they didn’t. I started finding out about all these. I just put a bunch together, created all the small things, and that ended up being my presentation for the…SLUGME.

And if you are wondering about SLUGME and what that is you will have to listen into the interview with Todd to find out more about the historical SLUGME events that Todd has organized and be on the look out for the 2023 SLUGME event!


Deepak Gupta, Todd Blacksher and Alin Vargatu at SOLIDWORKS World 2018 event


Connecting and talking with Deepak was a great opportunity to meet and get to know someone who has been using SOLIDWORKS for more years than some of our newer SOLIDWORKS users out there in the world as well as how deep his SOLIDWORKS passions run:

“ …I got a glimpse of SOLIDWORKS around 1999. So I think it was almost three, four years, SOLIDWORKS was into the market. And I was still studying mechanical engineering at that time. I got a glimpse of SOLIDWORKS…and that got me excited. Wow! Because we were taught to do the things on the drawing boards. And seeing that something 3D on the screen was like, or something: Oh, WOW! And then one year down the line, I was into my first job. And the company was using CATIA as their 3D tool. So yes, the excitement kept building for 3D.  Now flash forward six years…in 2005…and then my daily work was to solve SOLIDWORKS-related problems and help my customers with their training and other needs. And since then, SOLIDWORKS has been part of my life. So you can say it’s almost close to two decades. Since I’m using SOLIDWORKS. And on the funny part, I’m an SOLIDWORKS. Expert, and a Champion but my wife doesn’t care. She rather sees SOLIDWORKS as my first wife and SOLIDWORKS community as my in-laws.

Speaking with the two of them, the spirit of “family” and connections made through the SOLIDWORKS communities – both in person and digital – are very strong and something that both Todd and Deepak greatly appreciate.

When I asked why do you keep returning to the communities, they answered:

“It’s the community of people. They’re coming together to share their knowledge, and you come to learn and before you leave, you’re helping somebody else. I could be on there forever and I’ll never give back as much as I’ve gotten.” – Todd B


“I regularly engage in various SOLIDWORKS user forums and I try to help other users with their problems. I also check for the solutions from other users trying to find to learn something new. Well, that helps me to find solutions to many of my problems and also learn about something new, which I may not have explored yet.” – Deepak G

Log in to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform’s SOLIDWORKS News & Info community on 3DSwym to read or listen to the complete interviews and see some other great pictures with these two great guys here:

Matthew Hall

Matthew Hall

Matthew Hall is the SOLIDWORKS online communities manager and passionate 3DEXPERIENCE platform ambassador, listening to and leveraging the Voice Of The Users for continuous, transformational improvement. All his writings are human.