Superheroes and Super Friends

At SOLIDWORKS, we are honored to have so many long-time SOLIDWORKS users who are always ready and willing to lend a hand to other users so they can continue to grow and succeed.  It is for this reason that we started this blog series to shine the light on a few of these tireless SOLIDWORKS Superheroes.

Our first feature in this series was an interview with the man who seems to sleep fast so he can get back to work and help SOLIDWORKS users around the world:  Eric Beatty. You can read that blog here.

This month we interviewed Alin Vargatu, SOLIDWORKS Super User. You can also read this article about Alin on

In this latest interview we managed to get Alin to reveal the answers to questions like:

  •         What is a Large Assembly Wizard?
  •         How are you leveraging your SOLIDWORKS superpowers?
  •         What is your favorite feature or best thing about SOLIDWORKS?

Alin goes into wonderful detail about how with his SOLIDWORKS super powers, he is able to enter an alternate universe, use intuitive tools that have mind reading-like powers built in to them. He also tells us how he engages in the SOLIDWORKS User Forum community to connect with other people all around the world and help them succeed with their SOLIDWORKS challenges. Truly a super friend for any and all using SOLIDWORKS who may just need a little bit of help.

The full interview is now available for reading or listening in the SOLIDWORKS News & Information community here:

Meet: Alin Vargatu ?️ – SOLIDWORKS Super User!

Matthew Hall

Matthew Hall

Matthew Hall is the SOLIDWORKS online communities manager and passionate 3DEXPERIENCE platform ambassador, listening to and leveraging the Voice Of The Users for continuous, transformational improvement. All his writings are human.