Keeping the World Alert with the help of SOLIDWORKS
For the majority of people around the world, coffee is what keeps them sane and functioning on a daily basis. Never take someone’s coffee away from them; it’s a death wish. Coffee Day, the largest fully integrated coffee company in Asia, realizes this and constantly strives to improve its coffee brewing machines to bring its customers the best of the best…and also to prevent any angry mobs from forming as a result of a lack of caffeine. The company’s signature red and white logo has become an icon for high-quality, flavorful coffee throughout India and Asia. Becoming so recognizable and well-known is certainly not an easy task to accomplish, but Coffee Day was able to achieve this with the help of SOLIDWORKS.

Coffee Day Senior General Manager K.G. Dhanyakumar comments, “SOLIDWORKS software is very user-friendly and best-in-class. We have shortened time to market partly thanks to SOLIDWORKS eDrawings and rendered 3D models that help us communicate design ideas internally and externally with clients.” Not only can this company create product designs quicker, but it can also more efficiently generate manufacturing drawings and machine renderings, which enable employees to better understand how parts are built and what changes have been made to previous coffee machine models.
Coffee Day is single handedly helping to keep Asia alert with its coffees and is now raising the bar even higher. More advanced coffee brewing machines mean happier customers with great coffee in their hands. To learn more about Coffee Day’s experience with SOLIDWORKS and how you can get started with 3D design, click here.