Creating Section Views in SolidWorks 2013

One of the questions we have seen a lot in the Technical Support department today is about some of the new functionality that has been added in SolidWorks 2013. There are generally two questions that users ask and the first is “How do I use the new functionality?” and “Can I still use the tools that I have used for years past?”

Looking at one of the new tools in SolidWorks 2013 that we were given is a new Section View Property Manager. This is a great tool that now allows you to easily create an almost limitless amount of section view types.

To answer the first question, in this new tool we start by selecting the Section Cutting Line or Half Section type.

When we create a standard Section we are then given a popup that allows us to add one or several different offsets to the section view.

To answer the second question we also get asked if you can still create a section view the way you use to be able to by first drawing your section lines then choosing the Section View tool?

The simple answer is Yes but there is still some new functionality that you need to watch out for. You can create the lines or arcs that you want to use for your section and add in all the relations or dimensions to those sketch entities. When you are done you can use your Right Click selection on one of the lines and use the Select Chain option to easily grab all of the connected entities.

The new functionality comes in when you select the Section Line from the Command Manager and you are presented with the following options.

You will want to read this carefully and know that to get a “standard” section view that you are used to seeing you will want to choose the Foreshortened option. Also you want to be aware of the option in the lower left of the dialog for Don’t show again. If you check this it will add this message to the Dismissed messages and the new default will be the option you choose when you dismissed the dialog box.

The only way to be offered the dialog box again is to make sure you clear out those dismissed messages.


Josh Altergott is Support Manager at Computer Aided Technology,
a SolidWorks Value Added Reseller with locations in Kentucky,
Missouri, Kansas, Indiana, Wisconsin and Illinois. He is a regular
contributor to the CATI Tech Notes blog.

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Josh Altergott
Josh Altergott is Support Manager at Computer Aided Technology, a SolidWorks Value Added Reseller with locations in Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, Indiana, Wisconsin and Illinois. He is a regular contributor to the CATI Tech Notes blog.