Design That Matters Win 2012 IDSA IDEA Award

You may recall Matt West’s blog post last year about Design That Matters, a non-profit organization that aims to provide affordable phototherapy treatments to developing global communities. Design That Matters also presented at SolidWorks World in 2009. This year the organization received a silver award for the 2012 International Design Excellence Award (IDEA) on behalf of Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) in the Social Impact category. The IDSA is the largest and oldest society for companies and organizations with members involved in fields such as product design, ergonomics, design research, and interaction design. The society’s IDEA awards praise members with
innovative product design in different industry categories including Social Impact.

Design That Matters medical phototherapy device designed in SolidWorks

The Design That Matters Firefly has been recognized alongside products such as the Barnes and Nobles Nook, the Audi A6 Sedan, and the Nike Plus Fuel Band. As a result, Design That Matters and SolidWorks software prove that social impact and global change can be achieved through innovation, collaboration and robust design tools. To get inspired by Design That Matters’ story, take a peek at the case study.

Asya Bashina

Asya Bashina

Subscription Services Marketing Specialist at Dassault Systemes SolidWorks
Subscription Services Marketing Specialist. Brand Marketing pro and travel enthusiast with a sense of humor.