Catching up with customers and partners at the SolidWorks 2013 media day

Yesterday, SolidWorks hosted its annual media event to ring in the launch of SolidWorks 2013 – coming soon to a reseller near you! We  featured some great customers and partners like Motoczysz, BPG Werks, Travertson Motorcycles and Objet 3D Printing.

Dan Arnold of BPG Werks on the DTV Shredder

Members of our team had a chance to sit down with Bruce Bradshaw, Director of Marketing of Objet, Inc., to talk about some of the cool applications of 3D Printing.

you know that medical researchers are exploring the possibility of printing
organs like the heart and the liver to replaced damaged organs and tissue?

Christian Travert of Travertson Motorcycles took a moment to talk about his early beginnings as a designer and engineer. Now he creates all  types of consumer motorcycles, including Jay Leno’s Y2K Jet Bike equipped with a jet engine.

For more pictures and tweets from our event, be sure to check out our Facebook page and Twitter #sw13launch hashtag.


Asya Bashina

Asya Bashina

Subscription Services Marketing Specialist at Dassault Systemes SolidWorks
Subscription Services Marketing Specialist. Brand Marketing pro and travel enthusiast with a sense of humor.