Introducing the SolidWorks Holiday Gift Guide

I’ve been thinking about developing a Holiday Gift Guide since the first day I started at SolidWorks. While 24_cutaway-webI’m impressed by all of the products our customers design, I’m most intrigued by the ones that I may have actually purchased for my family. Test it yourself. Scroll through our case studies and press releases, and you’ll find all sorts of consumer products that might be in your house– bikes, gardening tools, exercise equipment, table saws, audio equipment, kids’ toys, etc. What better way to showcase these products than to create a guide of items that could (or should) appear on someone’s holiday wish list?

We put out a call a couple months ago for the first annual Holiday Gift Guide, and as the entries came in I was reminded of the diversity of design our software inspires. There’s a rotisserie that folds up into a suitcase, a take-along toothbrush with toothpaste in handle, a ESS_Crossbow-webcustomizable wrap for iPads, and a popsicle maker (I added this to my list!), just to name a few. In case you’re wondering, we did have two entries from outside the US – an iPhone case from the Netherlands and a multi-purpose tool from Fiskars, headquartered in Finland. Check out and print the Holiday Gift Guide to find SolidWorks-inspired designs for everyone on your holiday list.  

Kristen Wilson

Kristen Wilson

Senior Manager Brand Offer Marketing, SolidWorks at Dassault Systemes
As the Senior Director of Communications, 3DEXPERIENCE Works, Kristen drives marketing strategy and oversees the team responsible for developing and executing multi-touch marketing plans across the Buyer's Journey, including 3DEXPERIENCE World.