Meeting with Students

Robert Meitzler, Eastern Michigan SolidWorks User Group Leader reports on a recent morning he spent with students at Southeastern High School of Technology (yep, high school) in Detroit, Michigan.

“I had the pleasure of speaking with students at the first and only high school in Michigan that is currently teaching SolidWorks. The classroom is equipped with about 30 CAD stations, a very large plotter, and a 3D printer. After a brief introduction, I spoke for about an hour about SolidWorks and SolidWorks User Groups. The students weren’t shy about asking some very good questions during the discussion. I brought an example of a tool I had been working on, and as I finished talking, every student started modeling the part!! It was a great feeling to walk around and watch these young people using SolidWorks, and I got a tremendous amount of satisfaction helping them along and offering tips. By the end of class time, every student had the part modeled.”

“I ended the morning at lunch with the instructor, Arthur Ibegbu, and offered to return any time. The experience was simply amazing, and I hope they will have me back very soon.”

More and more, students at the high school level are being introduced to 3D CAD. Classroom work is one thing, but these future engineers and designers can benefit even more by hearing directly from users in industry. It’s important to get involved in the education of our youth, they really are our future. Thanks Robert!!

Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.
Richard Doyle
Richard Doyle