Still Waiting to Re-take Your Certification Exam? Wait No Longer

As of January 1, 2019, we have changed our re-take policy on all our customer-facing and academic certification exams. The Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert (CSWE) which is considered to be the most challenging exam we offer has now been changed from 180 days, to just 90 days! All other exams that had a 30-day waiting policy, such as the CSWA, has been changed to 14 days and now coincides with the same retake policy as the CSWP exam segments. The CSWP exam segments 1, 2, and 3 were already set to 14 days and remain unchanged.

If you are asking yourself, what if I already took the CSWE exam one month ago, two months ago, three months ago or longer; does this change still apply to me? Yes it does, so wait no longer! If you have already taken the CSWE exam and it’s been 90 days, you can now re-test. For example, if you attempted the CSWE back in September of 2018, you are now eligible to make your 2019 comeback debut by retesting and adding yourself to our elite list of SOLIDWORKS Experts upon successful completion.

For those of you who are new to the SOLIDWORKS Certification program, wondering what all these exam acronyms mean or wanting to learn more about the different levels of certifications we offer, please read on. There are basically two exams that test SOLIDWORKS fundamentals: the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) and the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional (CSWP) exams. The CSWA is targeted to users who are just starting out with SOLIDWORKS and have gone through all the tutorials as well as taken some basic classes. The CSWP is targeted to users who are using SOLIDWORKS actively in a work environment or at least are using the software on a full-time basis (at least 40 hours a week) for at least six months or more. The CSWA is recognized by employers that the user is trained and well versed in the basics of the software while the CSWP lets the employers know that the user has mastered the fundamentals and has a very solid foundation. The best thing to do would be to try the CSWA first to see how you do. If you pass then you can then tackle the CSWP once you have a bit more experience.

In additional to the SOLIDWORKS fundamentals, we also offer certifications in many other areas of the software that range in difficulty starting at the Associate level, then Professional, Professional Advanced, and finally Expert. The Associate level will normally have text-based questions, while all other levels are hands-on. There are no certification prerequisites to take any of the Associate, Professional or Professional Advanced-level exams. We have been updating a lot of our certification exam content, so we highly recommend you check to see that you meet or exceed the minimum software version compatibility by visiting the SOLIDWORKS Certification Catalog.

For more information about the exam requirements, topics, recommended training, and a sample exam, please visit the SOLIDWORKS Certification Catalog web page and click on your certification of interest.

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Mike Puckett

Senior Manager, Worldwide Certification Program, SOLIDWORKS