Celebrating Independence with 3DEXPERIENCE and 3DPrinting

As France prepares for Independence Day celebrations, the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform provides another reason to celebrate independence.

Our  “home office” has laptops. tablets, smart phones, and 3DPrinters on the kitchen table.  With the 3DEXPERIENCE, we do not depend on any one type of  hardware device.  So let’s see how the xDesign app works with 3D Printers in a collaborative environment.

For this situation, my husband David is the educator.  I played the student..  David created a cylinder in xDesign by selecting the top plane,  sketching a circle centered at the origin, and adding adiameter dimension.  From the Features action bar,  he extruded the circle.  He had no formal training in xDesign – only SOLIDWORKS.  No issues using the xDesign interface,

We both used the same collaborative space    The Search Tool  in the center of the Dashboard helped to find David’s Physical Product.

Components in xDesign are called Physical Products..  Opening the cylinder in xDesign, displays a message “Reserved Component.”  David and I can work in the same collaborative space, but xDesign knows if someone else is working on the same Physical Product.

Next, it was time to test the 3D Printers.  From the Tools Action Bar, select Print 3D.  Add Printer.  We added three printers, Sindoh DP200, Sindoh 3DWOX1, and Ultimaker.3.

All three printers use our WIFI.  There is an excessive list of 3D Printers in the Add Printer list.  You can also Save as an .STL file.



My dad used to tell me “learning new things leads to independence.” I have a lot to learn about the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and its collection of  technology apps.  Please join me here as I continue celebrating new innovations for educators and students using cloud technology.  Marie

Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard