SOLIDWORKS World – XDESIGN SOLIDWORKS FabConnect the Fabrication Interface MIT MODS for Fab Labs
Mods is a fabrication platform developed by MIT Center for Bits and Atoms, Dr. Neil Gershenfeld. Mods provides a set of software tools for personal fabrication, intended for use with machines common to Fab Labs,
Shawn Liu introduces mods and the integration between
- mods and SolidWorks.
- mods and xDesign
Fab labs provide widespread access to modern means for invention. They began as an outreach project from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA), and became into a collaborative and global network. The Fab Lab network is exploding, doubling in size every 18 months.
Shawn Liu holds PhD in Industrial Engineering and joined SOLIDWORKS in 2000. He used to manage API development for SOLIDWORKS and now is working on the web infrastructure for xDesign, you can meet Shawn 4:30pm Monday, Room 403A at SOLIDWORKS World. Marie