FABLABs Share Stories of Innovation, Passion and Education
FAB10 is filled with stories. Stories similar to what you hear at SolidWorks World.
I know this is the place for me to be – even without fireworks or the Boston Pops on the eve of the 4th of July. In a way, there is a sense of both independence and community in the air in Barcelona.
There are FABLAB stories filled with innovation and passion.
The latest scientific breakthroughs are discussed in FABLAB-Lyon, France.
FABLABs have joined together to create a regional FABLABS, FAN. It’;s all about Asian FABLABS.
Others speak on doing the right thing in sustainable design, FABLAB, Parma, Italy.
FABLAB Limerick, Ireland, opens their doors to hundreds of teachers and students.
Other FABLABs are new and yet to open, FABLAB London will be opening later this summer.
There are innovative designs in all types of materials, digital custom bike, rootless by Enrico Bassi from FABLAB Torino, ran to show me his design. I got to talk about the next steps with SolidWorks Simulation to analyze his bike frame.
The most provocative story came from Dr. Kamau Gachigi, Dr. MBugua, and engineer, Nicolas Kimali, for the Maker Project for Maternity and Newborn Child Health from FABLAB Kenya. When the death rates for newborns and their mothers were projected on the screen, the room went silent. Simply designed, low cost, functional, medical devices, save lives.
You can’t help but celebrate innovation and creativity in the maker community in Barcelona, the first Fab City in the world. Marie