Still Time to Celebrate with Robots and Students this Weekend

FRC 1973 Brighton Burning Tiger at NU

One more weekend of exciting robot competitions!The SOLIDWORKS community is always looking for a great event to celebrate engineering and design.  There are local user group meetings held through the SolidWorks User Group network.   Once a year,  it is SolidWorks World.


FRC 501 Power Knights 4H

This weekend, there are FIRST robot events happening all over the US and Canada.  There may be one near where you live.  The events showcase great designs and the work of talented high school students.  They are free to attend and children are welcome.  The full list of events from now until the end of April are at here.  If you can’t attend, many of the events are in a webcast on Friday and Saturday.

FRC 237 Black Magic at NU

Regional Western Canada Regional The Olympic Oval Calgary, AB  Canada 03-Apr – 05-Apr-2014
Regional Windsor Essex Great Lakes Regional University of Windsor Windsor, ON  Canada 03-Apr – 05-Apr-2014
Regional Silicon Valley Regional San Jose State University San Jose, CA  USA 03-Apr – 05-Apr-2014
Regional  Colorado Regional Daniel L. Ritchie Center Denver, CO  USA 03-Apr – 05-Apr-2014
Regional  South Florida Regional Great Fort Lauderdale & Broward County Convention Center Fort Lauderdale, FL  USA 03-Apr – 05-Apr-2014
Regional Midwest Regional UIC Pavilion Chicago, IL  USA 03-Apr – 05-Apr-2014
Regional Bayou Regional Pontchartrain Center Kenner, LA  USA 03-Apr – 05-Apr-2014
Regional Chesapeake Regional University of Maryland College Park, MD  USA 03-Apr – 05-Apr-2014
Regional Las Vegas Regional Cashman Center Las Vegas, NV  USA 03-Apr – 05-Apr-2014
Regional New York City Regional Jacob K. Javits Convention Center New York, NY  USA 04-Apr – 06-Apr-2014
Regional Lone Star Regional George R. Brown Convention Center Houston, TX  USA 04-Apr – 06-Apr-2014
New England
District Event
Pine Tree District Event Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston, ME  USA 04-Apr – 05-Apr-2014
Pacific Northwest
District Event
PNW FIRST Robotics Oregon State University District Event Oregon State University Corvallis, OR  USA 04-Apr – 05-Apr-2014

Thank you to all the event organizers, mentors, teachers, parents and students that volunteer their time to put on these events.  Marie

Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard