Snow Shovel

Snow Shovel

In the spirit of winter I decided to make something that is familiar to everyone who has experienced snow; a shovel.  This is your classic shovel with a plastic handle and bucket and a wooden shaft.  For the handle, I used the loft feature with a center line in order to design the curves.  I was going to use a sweep but I wanted the base to be thicker then the upper part of the handle.  This did not work as well as I had hoped because the curve ended up being thinner than I expected.  To reinforce the handle, I created some ribs along the inside curves.  I used the rib feature to create the grips on the underside of the handle.  I used a number of extrudes to get the main contours of the shovel bucket.  For the strengthening ridges on the shovel I used a sweep feature as well as a boss extrude.  This had the condition up to next in order to get the sweep to taper away into the main part of the bucket.  I hope you enjoy this shovel and use it with your imaginary snow.  Happy Holidays!


Ian Jutras

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Mechanical Engineering 2013

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