You Can’t Prototype This: The Power of Mechatronic Design
Yesterday I took the family to the airport for their semiannual flight back to the UK to visit friends and family. And as I watched the luggage go down the conveyor belt I started to wonder what went on behind
... ContinuedBend It Like a Football Star – With SolidWorks Simulation
Watching my son play indoor 6-a-side football (or soccer, as some of you might call it), is both an exhilarating and nerve-racking experience. The father in me wants him to enjoy ‘the beautiful game,’ the competitor in me wants him
... ContinuedApplying dead loads to fatigue
I was recently asked how to apply a dead load in a fatigue study (a none varying load that is applied to a structure all of the time, as opposed to a live or dynamic load that generates an alternating
... ContinuedAll buckled up!
I recently did a simulation product demo for a Norwegian customer and the question of buckling came up. I realised this was an excellent example of understanding the assumptions of the solutions you are producing plus the physical implications of
... ContinuedNaim Audio, creating a high-end audio component with SolidWorks
Naim Audio designs and manufactures a familiar range of audio equipment, but don’t look for Naim on the shelf at the mall electronics store. Naim’s tuners, amplifiers, CD players, loudspeakers and digital-audio converters are for high-end audiophiles, the kind of
... ContinuedHow long is the flow?
I was asked yesterday if it was possible to calculate how long the flow lasts inside the domain during a flow simulation? Think of this another way and it is easy to solve; how long does it take a particle
... ContinuedWelded to the spot – and now edge…
One of the most common questions from people who have welded structures is, “can you model welds?”. Well, obviously! In 2010 we have a new edge weld connector, similar to the spot weld connector already available. The tool allows you
... ContinuedThe Future of SolidWorks Simulation?
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a simulation blog as I’ve been busy looking after my new daughter. As proof, here’s a picture showing just what a fan of SolidWorks she’s already become :-). So enough about me, let’s
... ContinuedAre you up to the challenge?
Challenge your knowledge on 6 common design problems: Good luck and enjoy the quiz.
... ContinuedIts not just about Simulation you know!
Very often when encountering problems with a simulation, it is all too easy to look at the simulation inputs for a solution. For example, if the model doesn’t mesh or solve you immediately think, “is my mesh too coarse?”, “are
... ContinuedSolidWorks Simulation 2010
I’ve just spent the past couple of weeks with our Northern European resellers going through some of the new simulation features in 2010. Feedback has been amazing and there are some really neat technologies that I’m sure we’ll be talking
... ContinuedConfusing terminology
Sometimes you come across a term in simulation that doesn’t make much sense and seems to have been put there to confuse and confound. One such term that I was asked about recently is the purpose of the Jacobian check,
... ContinuedGetting dropped
Preparing to demonstrate a drop test the other day, I was reminded of a useful procedure for creating a suitable mesh and thought you might like to know about it. Identify the surface that will hit the ground first during
... ContinuedHow to calculate the flow coefficient of a valve
In the past couple of months I have seen two examples of customers interested in the calculation of the flow coefficient of a valve. Known as Cv, the flow coefficient is a relative value that allows us to compare the
... ContinuedA good reaction?
When performing a motion study, there are obviously a number of moving parts all connected with each other, pushing and pulling in response to the driving forces set up. Reaction forces and moments are frequently plotted at joints but it
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