Communication is the Key to Better Design [Podcast]

“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.”

― Thomas A. Edison

As I quote Mr. Edison, I cannot help but think that…if he lived in our era, he might add “Duct Tape” to this quote.

In this latest Born to Design podcast, I’m talking to another inventor: Eric Spurgeon is an entrepreneur and business owner but perhaps above all Eric is a problem solver.  He started his first business at 16, which helped him save money to pay for college, but the business taught him some valuable skills that he might not have acquired in college.  Eric has some interesting ideas on best practices and unique approaches to solving a design problem, and getting it done quicker.  He discusses his original business, and his newest business, where he helps other businesses tackle solving design problems, which I believe you will enjoy hearing about…

Eric Spurgeon


Listen in to the latest Born to Design Podcast interview with Eric:


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To learn more about Eric and his work, check out his company: Tarhun 3D…

Read more about Eric in this article: Developing the Community in Kansas in More Ways Than One…

Also, be sure to check out all of the Born to Design podcasts and subscribe below so you will never miss an episode:

Cliff Medling

Cliff Medling is a Senior Marketing Manager at SolidWorks and the host for the Born to Design Podcast.