Meet the Let’s Go Design Team: Boris Raskin

We're well into the summer vacation season here at SolidWorks, and Jeremy Luchini and the Let's Go Design team have been taking some well-deserved time off. But we haven't forgotten about all of the fans out there. While we wait for the next espisode of Let's Go Design, we have a few interviews for you with the members of the team you don't hear from quite as much.

Boris Raskin, SolidWorks Technical Support Engineer, is a fundamental part of the team, helping take ideas and turn them into reality through his background in technical design. His work began on the Ultimate CAD Chair project, where he was responsible for finding a way to make the waterfall environment work. If you remember correctly, there were some huge challenges with the waterfall implementation (including leaking and water flow issues). However, the team made it happen, all due to Boris’ determination and technical know-how.

On Project 3, Boris has been responsible for working out major challenges around the electrical system and motor design within the Hot Rod Baby Buggy. This is right in Boris’ design sweet spot, as in his spare time he has been rebuilding a car engine (2.4L dual-overhead cam for Nissan 40SX). Boris appreciates the complexity of machines, and enjoys the thrill of completing a project—not unlike our LGD fans.

Hear Boris talk about his part in Let’s Go Design, and favorite aspects of the projects in his own words:

We want to hear from you! Do you share Boris’ love for solving a design problem? Tell us in our comments section below, our Twitter or Facebook pages!

Matthew West

SolidWorks alumnus. I like plate reverb, Rat pedals, Thai curry, New Weird fiction, my kids, Vespas, Jazzmasters, my wife & Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not necessarily in that order.