Five Questions Friday with Kara Krisanic of ModernTech Mechanical

Kara Krisanic Name:
Kara Krisanic

Title: Marketing Specialist

Company: ModernTech Mechanical.
ModernTech Mechanical is a value-added reseller of 3D CAD and Engineering Technology for manufacturers in the Southeast including Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Tennessee.

Hometown: St. Louis, Mo. (Current: Knoxville, TN)

1)Why did you choose to do the work you do?
When I decided to complete my Masters of Arts in Journalism Strategic Communication, I always pictured myself someday working as a social media guru of sorts. To that end, I decided to execute a thesis study on the efficacy of advertising on social networking sites. I quickly discovered my passion for social networking, specifically for the purpose of business development and customer relationship building.

I saw a real opportunity to bring social networking and online communication into the world of 3D CAD when I was hired as the marketing specialist for ModernTech Mechanical, a SolidWorks VAR in the southeast. The company was already very successful at both selling to and servicing their CAD customers, but had not yet tapped into the world of online communication. I worked with my team to bring ModernTech Mechanical into the world of social networking through the execution of a new blog, and various online profile building via sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Although the management of our social networking online activity is only a small portion of what I do as a marketing specialist, I consider it one of the most important aspects of my job. Social networking allows for me to have an open, two-way conversation with my customers in real time which is so important in a cluttered marketplace. I can attend to their questions and comments right away which I know they appreciate.

2)What is your proudest career moment?
In Q2 of 2009, SolidWorks hosted a Marketing Scorecard Contest. The contest challenged VAR marketing professionals to create a “return on investment” scorecard that would measure the return on investment in marketing activity and execution. I was so proud to find out that my scorecard was one of three chosen as the challenge winners! I was only about 8 months into my career with ModernTech Mechanical, so being recognized by SolidWorks corporate was quite an honor. Additionally, in January 2010 I became a Certified SolidWorks Sales Professional (CSSP), becoming the first non-sales professional at ModernTech Mechanical to hold the certification. I was extremely proud of the accomplishment and know that it helped me better understand the needs of our customers.

3)What goal inspires you?
One of my ultimate goals as ModernTech Mechanical Marketing Specialist is to constantly strive to better serve our customers. I understand that our customer’s needs, wants, desires and even budgets are constantly changing, sometimes even from day to day. I try to keep my finger on the pulse of what is going on in our customer’s industries and marketplaces to be better able to serve them when the time comes that they reach out to us or vice versa.

In the last year, our marketing team has been proud to announce the launch of an online store and a new customer newsletter. It is my goal that we never stop innovating, because I love change. Change and innovation is how we have managed to stay one step ahead of our competition!

4)How has SolidWorks made a difference in your life?
When I was mapping out my career, I never dreamed I would be having conversations on a daily basis regarding topics like 3D CAD, FEA, Technical Documentation and Product Data Management. SolidWorks’ product suite has brought that vocabulary into my daily activities and so much more. It has given me a niche to focus my marketing efforts.

Every day there is something new and exciting to learn and communicate to our network. Whether it be cloud computing or flying cars, my days are NEVER boring thanks to SolidWorks! I would suggest to any young marketer to look beyond the traditional retail marketing and consider a more technical career path. It can be so rewarding!

5)What do you like to do for fun?
A few years ago, I became very interested in aviation. I decided to pursue my pilot’s license and currently hold my solo rating having trained on a Cessna 172 at the Spirit of St. Louis airport. I also more recently discovered yoga. I find it is a great way to relieve stress, and it allows you to spend time exploring your own thoughts and goals in a quiet setting. I feel stronger and have a leaner physique as a result!

Matthew West

SolidWorks alumnus. I like plate reverb, Rat pedals, Thai curry, New Weird fiction, my kids, Vespas, Jazzmasters, my wife & Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not necessarily in that order.