Five Questions Friday with Simon Booker of SolidWorks

Greatwall2 Name:
Simon Booker

Title: European Marketing Manager, DS SolidWorks Corp.

Hometown: Henley-on-Thames, UK

1.Why did you choose to do the work you do?

At school I studied Design and Communication which led me on a path into engineering. The great part about being with SolidWorks is we get to see our tools used to design everything from cement plants to kids’ toys. I moved into marketing because I enjoy the challenge of getting people interested and ultimately helping them to be more successful.

2.What is your proudest career moment?

Every time I hear about another user joining the SolidWorks family! It’s hard to believe it’s nearly 1.3 million now. To get to emcee SolidWorks World sessions for our reseller channel is a huge honour and I’m always proud to stand up & present to our users – that’s when you realize that SolidWorks has built something special.

3.What goal inspires you most?

I get a kick when technology comes together. For example, you can take a 3D model or rendering, put it on your iPhone or create a video, publish it to YouTube and embed it in a blog or a presentation. We all think in 3D but learn to think in 2D through school so it’s great when I see my kids doing 3D models on the web for their homework – they just see it as a “natural” way to get the message across.

4.How has SolidWorks made a difference in your life?

SolidWorks has provided me with many great friends and opened doors to work with smart people inside and outside the company. But the real buzz comes from meeting customers who really do make a difference in the world & that’s why I try to buy SolidWorks-designed products wherever possible!

5. Where’s the best place you’ve travelled?
Standing on the Great Wall of China sending an email from my smartphone summed up the Old and the New World.




Note: Five Questions Friday will be on hiatus next week as I travel back down south for vacation. Yee haw.

Matthew West

SolidWorks alumnus. I like plate reverb, Rat pedals, Thai curry, New Weird fiction, my kids, Vespas, Jazzmasters, my wife & Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not necessarily in that order.