Why YOU Should be Presenting at SOLIDWORKS World 2016


Well, that’s one reason, and a fairly popular one at that.  Free admission to the world largest 3D CAD conference is a nice perk, but bear with me and I’ll show you that there are more (and better) benefits to be had when you present a technical session at a SOLIDWORKS World conference.


You will become a better SOLIDWORKS User

Casey Gorman notes that presenting anywhere, not just SOLIDWORKS World, helps to promote educating yourself. You will learn parts of a subject you might not normally be exposed to. In the process, you may find a new approach to something you do everyday. This approach often is a time saver, or a more robust way. It is a win-win, as they used to say!

Todd Blacksher adds that when you take the time to figure out the best way to explain a topic to someone that may have never seen it, as well as trying to find the obscure “nuggets” to appease the seasoned veterans, you will learn so much more than just using in your standard work environment.

Relieve your Glossophobia

You won’t find the term “Glossophobia” in the dictionary, but according to Wikipedia, it’s the fear of public speaking.  SOLIDWORKS blogger Jeff Mirisola says that presenting anywhere can help anyone (including himself) get over the fear of presenting.  Jeff’s first SOLIDWORKS World presentation had him nervous, sweating, and just trying speak in a normal voice.  Once he got past that first session, the rest have been a breeze.

Meet a lot of really great people

The research and preparation for your session can actually help you meet people from the SOLIDWORKS Community.  Todd recommends jumping into the forums and letting fellow SOLIDWORKS users know that you are preparing a presentation and asking them what they would like to see, or what should absolutely be included.  You might also reach out to your local SOLIDWORKS User Group chapter and ask for a chance to practice (and polish) your presentation at the next meeting.  Your fellow meeting attendees may also have some advice on how to improve the presentation.

The speaker ready room and a gift

The speaker ready room at SOLIDWORKS World is there for you (and the other 200 or so presenters) to practice, refine, and practice again.  It’ll also be filled with your fellow presenters, and presents another opportunity to review your session with seasoned veterans.  The room is staffed by some very nice SOLIDWORKS employees.  They are there to make sure your presentation gets loaded to the computers, and that the latest copy is the one you’ll find when you get to your assigned session room.  They’ll also hand over a nifty little gift for you.

Now that we’ve convinced you to take a chance and submit an abstract, here are a few pointers to help make sure your session is approved.

Present at a local SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting
One of the questions we ask when you fill out your abstract form is “Have you ever presented at a SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting?”.  Any presentation that has been seen by user group members gets special consideration. Local user group meetings are a great way to practice, refine, and get input on your session.  If you’re not yet a member of a local user group, check the SWUGN website for one in your area.

Have a clever title (and don’t be surprised if you’re asked to change it)
There are hundreds of abstracts submitted each year, and we look at each and every one of them.  But sometimes a catchy title will draw immediate attention to yours.  A previous year’s submissions came through with the words “duct tape” and “bailing wire” – straight to the top it went.

Fill out the submission form completely
You would be amazed at the number of proposals that have incomplete information.  There are a lot of boxes to fill out, but it’s all critical information.  Remember – your proposal will be seen by a bunch of folks that may or may not know that you’re the best – use the submission form to convince them.

Use “Beginner”, Intermediate” or “Advanced” wisely
Nothing frustrates SOLIDWORKS World attendees like sitting in on an advanced session that isn’t so advanced.  Make sure that the presentation level you have indicated is accurate.

Talk to someone who has been there before
The SOLIDWORKS Community is full of past and present SOLIDWORKS World speakers, and they’re easy to find.  Use the SOLIDWORKS Discussion Forums or your favorite SOLIDWORKS information outlet to ask questions of former presenters.  I know that most of them will be glad to help.

It’s not too late to get started.  We are looking at and approving sessions in the coming weeks.  There’s usually room for late entries, but you never know.  Better safe than sorry – submit your abstract today.


Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.
Richard Doyle
Richard Doyle