Author Archives: SOLIDWORKS
SOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Hood Bird Ornament Tutorial
Hood Bird Ornament: This 50’s style hood ornament is a challenging part that has only a handful of flat surfaces.It was constructed mostly using surface features. There are only four extruded bosses in the entire part and three of those are
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Bleach Bottle Tutorial
Bleach Bottle: In this model, boundary surfaces are between 3 profiles and 2 guide curves. One of the guide curves is the edge of the Helper surface extrude. This insures correct draft angle throughout the surface. A boundary surface builds the
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Complex Drafted Ribs Tutorial
Complex Drafted Ribs: The base block is created from a Boss Extrude. The side walls are drafted and the corners are rounded. The walls are shelled and the surface is cut in half to be mirrored. The split line divides the
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Simple Surface Part 2 Tutorial
Simple Surface: This model is created using only surface body features and then it is turned into a solid using a thicken command. A Boundary Surface feature uses two sketches in one direction to create the desired geometry. An outside
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Complex Machine Part 3 Tutorial
Complex Machine Part 3: This is a machined part that has mostly extruded features with a few revolved features, a boundary cut and swept cut. All part features are symmetric about the Front Plane with the exception of the swept
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Wire Belt Tutorial
Wire Belt: The Wire Profile Plane creates the wire size of the belt, the overall width of the belt, the number of segments of the belt, and the desired tolerance between each link in the belt. A final variable, belt spacing,
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Retail Carton Tutorial
Retail Carton: The main body dimensions for the width and height change between configurations. The rear corner of the box is ripped so the part can be unfolded. Equations are used to insure that the dimensions of the Bottom-Tab will update
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Complex Surface Part 1 Tutorial
Complex Surface Part 1: This part only has one flat face where the LCD screen is located; it is created using only surface body features. The ruled surface acts like a sweep in the case, but you don’t have to sketch
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Helical Washer Tutorial
Helical Washer: When creating the helix feature, the number of revolutions has to be less or equal to one. A helix feature with a revolution larger than one will cause the flat pattern to overlap on itself causing an error in
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer: Tetrapod Weldment Tutorial
Tetrapod Weldment: To begin, the tetrapod leg is inserted into this weldment as a part. The Cap Plane feature creates a plane for the planar caps. Considering the intended construction is welding together the sheet metal legs – two of the
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