SolidWorks Community Six Degrees of Freedom

FSAE Penn State & Cincinnati SolidWorks Blog

Engineering mechanics teaches you that a “body” has six degrees of freedom, 3-translational and 3-rotational.  Traveling this week, I realize the SolidWorks Community also has 6 degrees of freedom.  They are SolidWorks 1. customers, 2. value added resellers, 3. educators, 4. students, 5. partners, and 6. user group leaders.  The common bond is SOLIDWORKS.

FRC 2783 Present at SolidWorks Users Group Meeting Purdue

Last night, at the Louisville SolidWorks Users Group meeting, Purdue University Technical Center, New Albany, Indiana, Bryan Ray, hosted the FIRST Robotics Team, FRC Team 2783, Engineers of Tomorrow.  As Team 2783 explained how they used SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS Simulation to develop and test  different configurations of their robot, I realized that the audience was comprised of these 6 degrees of freedom interwoven to form a strong bond.

The SolidWorks Community (audience) listened attentively to these students and their mentors as Team 2783 described the complexity of speed reduction on the 80-20 frame and their impact to the community in STEM education.  Our resellers, 3D Vision, CATI & DASI Solutions supported the event and so too did our partner, RAPID.

chix project purdue na

Purdue University’s John Edrington, gave users a tour of the Center’s machine shops, labs and classrooms and showed off examples of mechanical engineering students’ projects.  Both John and Bryan have presented at SOLIDWORKS World on SolidWorks Certification, CSWA and CSWP.

Bryan Ray at Purdue dhop

Now and for  the next four days, it’s all about Formula SAE Michigan.  This event also has the SolidWorks Community six degrees of freedom.

Tennesee Tech FSAE 45 SolidWorks Blog

Walking from the paddock, to tech inspection, and to the track, you can see our customers, value added resellers, educators, students, partners, and thanks to our community SWUGN, there are 6 user groups in Michigan.

Bosch at FSAE Michigan SolidWorks Blog

The SolidWorks EDU Team celebrates the love of engineering with the Formula SAE teams here in Michigan and around the world.  It’s going to be a great week.  Marie


Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard