SolidExpert VAR Poland Announces “You Can Design Rebelia” Contest Winners

SolidExpert SolidWorks You Can Design Winner Jablonski 1

SolidExpert, our Value Added Reseller in Poland announced the winners of the “You Can Design Rebelia” Student Design Contest.  These  designs are truly impressive with a high degree of technical detail.  The panel jury had a difficult decision in scoring across many categories.

Karolina ZYCH, Marketing and Client Support Specialist for SolidExpert, showcases the top entries in their video.

The highest scored project belongs to Mariusz Jab?o?ski,  student of Bia?ystok University of Science. He designed series of mechanic hand watches named Motion.

SolidExpert SolidWorks You Can Design Winner Jablonski 2

The second place goes to SkyFall – humanoid robot project created by Mariusz Zaj?c from AGH University of Science and Technology.


SolidExpert SolidWorks You Can Design 2nd Zajac 1

SolidExpert SolidWorks You Can Design 2nd Zajac 2

The last place on the podium belongs to Rados?aw Mormul from AGH University of Science and Technology. His 2in1 project – Lechat deserves on third place!
SolidExpert SolidWorks You Can Design 3rd Lechat 1

SolidExpert SolidWorks You Can Design 3rd Lechat 2

Congratulations to all the Winners and all the participants.!

Information about next edition of You Can Design in Poland will be announced soon. Stay tuned and follow contest site

Thank you SolidExpert for supporting so many students in this exciting competition.  Thank you students for sharing with the SolidWorks Community.  Marie


Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.