Words of Wisdom from a 91-Year-Old SOLIDWORKS User [Podcast]
Interview with 91 year old Johnnie Floyd, who still today uses SOLIDWORKS, and is STILL inventing. Johnnie has been inventing long before the advent of modern computers or CAD software, and holds several patents, and is still working on new ones. Johnnie has an enormous amount of wisdom to share with other designers and engineers of any age, which I believe you will enjoy.
... ContinuedThe Evolution of a Good Idea: from Concept to Company – Ep14
Ever had a good product idea? Of course you have. Whenever you identify a need or a problem and a new way to solve or fulfill it, there is always a potential product in the making. As it has been said: “Necessity
... ContinuedSolidWorks teams up with the Boy Scouts of America on the Inventing Merit Badge
The Boy Scouts of America came into being 100 years ago, way back in 1910. And until 1915, there was a merit badge for inventing. The story goes that the BSA retired it because only ten boys ever earned the
... Continued