Strategic Retreats: Transforming Technology into Product

Strategic Retreats: Transforming Technology into Product

Rick Chin Strategic Retreats

Let’s start by assuming that your goal is to come up with products that your customers are compelled to buy and use to extract some important value to them.

In general, the best way to pursue this is to:

  1. Identify your target customer
  2. Identify an important need or frustration that they have
  3. Find, invent, or tweak technology to craft an effective product for these customers

The Problem – Starting with a specific technology overly influences the product we deliver

In many cases, companies start with a “great” technology they intend to productize and make millions.  But “Great” depends a lot on whose perspective is being considered, and what their most important priorities are.  Even if you were once one of these customers in a previous life, how similar are your current priorities to that of your current customers?  There may be some similarities in priorities, but also many differences.  It’s this common disconnect that can result in the development of products that customers find “useful”.  But rarely produces products that customers absolutely love.

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Brainstorming … Fast & Fun

How many times have you come out of a brainstorming session feeling unsatisfied with the results?  The team never felt like it got into a rhythm.  The idea flow felt like a drizzle versus a storm.  None of the ideas that the team spent much time on seemed especially good (BTW, you should never spend a lot of time on any one idea in a brainstorming session).  There was one or two people that insisted on dominating the conversation and ended up speaking way too much.  This to the frustration of the rest of the group.  The good news is that there are just a handful of things you need to do to run a productive and fun brainstorming session.  

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