Got Mad Design Skills? Enter SOLIDWORKS World T-Shirt Design Contest!
Don’t miss your opportunity to design the t-shirts that will be worn by thousands of your peers at SOLIDWORKS World 2018.
... ContinuedCSWP is Turning 20 at SOLIDWORKS World 2018 – Why You Won’t Want to Miss It!
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional exam (CSWP), we are debuting the new version of the CSWP exam at SOLIDWORKS World 2018.
... ContinuedPrinting Parts: How 3D Printing Has Gone From Gimmick To Medical Marvel
The technical marvel that seemingly performs miracles, 3D printing continues to make the news. Although it’s been around for longer than you might have thought, the process has only really started to make waves over the past decade. Ink and
... ContinuedConcorde 2.0: The Return of the Supersonic Jet
No matter how long it takes, a good idea will eventually resurface. Doctor Who brought his TARDIS back to television screens sixteen years after cancellation, the Mini trundles along Britain’s motorways again and the functional efficiency of the Nokia 3310
... ContinuedHappy 10th Anniversary NMSUG!
Rachel York and I headed out to Albuquerque last week to help the New Mexico SOLIDWORKS User Group celebrate their 10 year anniversary. It was a great meeting complete with 3D Printing, Rachel’s “The Certification Game” session, students, and three
... ContinuedMaking My Way Around England
I’m in England this week to present at three SOLIDWORKS User Group meetings, but it hasn’t been all work. The antiquated “Saturday night stay” rule for airfares “forced” me to arrive a day early, and I managed to get in
... ContinuedHere’s What’s Happening in the SOLIDWORKS User Group Network
There’s always something happening in the SOLIDWORKS User Group Network – special meetings, guest stars, and our user group leaders making plans to dominate the CAD community. Here’s a quick look at what’s been happening recently, and a peek at what’s
... ContinuedYou Never Forget Your First…
…SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting. I’ll never forget the first meeting of the Central Texas SOLIDWORKS User Group. About 40 people showed up at the Aquarina Center in San Marcos in September 1999. We ate sandwiches and fruit trays (hey, I
... ContinuedSpecial SOLIDWORKS User Group Meetings Coming Up
Most SOLIDWORKS User Group meetings follow the same basic format – food and networking, followed by a technical session or two (sometimes three), and a wrap-up featuring prize drawings and a look at the next meeting. Every year though, some
... ContinuedCold, Warm, Hot, Cold – Braving Weather for User Group Meetings
I spent last week in the Boston area helping the Central MA SOLIDWORKS User Group celebrate their 10 year anniversary. It was chilly all week, and a little snow was falling as I boarded my plane home on Friday. Luckily, I
... ContinuedA Quick Look at a Reluctant Presenter
I first met Christie Buresh (nee Reed) at SOLIDWORKS World 1999 in Palm Springs, and we’ve been colleagues (and friends) for more than 18 years now. She’s been leading the North Texas SOLIDWORKS User Group for 11 of those years,
... Continued13th Annual SWUGN Awards
Tuesday at SOLIDWORKS World is always community day, and that means the SWUGN Awards. This year’s presentation was done “Grammy” style, complete with evening gowns and tuxedos. My co-host Tracey was a lot of fun to work with, and we
... ContinuedSo a Warriors Fan Walks into a Cleveland City Park…
The timing could have been better. I’m a life long Warrior’s fan, and was about to be surrounded by happy Cavalier’s fans, but that didn’t stop me from attending the annual NEOSWUG Summer Cookout meeting last week. I could smell
... ContinuedDisrupting the Space-Time Continuum – SWUGN Style
It’s been brought to my attention that I may have seriously jeopardized my existence by showing up at the same place as my flat counterpart. I’ll worry about that later because I’m glad I didn’t miss the annual “Mastercam” meeting
... Continued#3DSWUGN is on the Road, and I’m Bringing a Friend
I’ve been following the travels of #flatswugn on Twitter, and I have to say I’m honored and humbled by the whole thing. So far I’ve been to South Dakota, Nebraska (including a stop at Memorial Stadium – as a Texas
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