B&S Solutions Streamlines Design via Cloud-based Collaboration and Revision Management

B&S Solutions, part of Teagá SA, is a leader in providing end-line automation solutions for various industries. Its diverse portfolio includes case packers, palletizers, flow pack machines, and conveyors, many of which are customized. B&S is five companies under one umbrella—from civil engineering to automation machine manufacturers—that are dedicated to enhancing operational efficiencies through innovative engineering solutions.

One of the biggest challenges B&S has faced is managing complex projects while ensuring every team member can access the latest project information. The need for effective collaboration is vital, as B&S custom-makes 30 to 40% of its equipment to customer specifications, which makes customer approval an integral part of the process.

Using the Right Tools

The company has used SOLIDWORKS® 3D CAD software since 2007 and recently adopted the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform. With a geographically dispersed workforce, the platform ensures everybody can access the right information, including the latest design revisions. “3DEXPERIENCE is changing the way we do projects and changing the way we do innovation,” says Business Director Thomas Pinelli.

Adding the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to its SOLIDWORKS implementation has transformed the company’s project management and design processes. The platform facilitates seamless collaboration by allowing easy access to the latest project status. This information integration ensures that all stakeholders can effortlessly interact with B&S development teams, including customers who do not have specialized software such as SOLIDWORKS.

“I need to share the [design] concepts with the customer for approval before manufacturing starts, but normally the customer doesn’t have SOLIDWORKS. With the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, I just give them access. It makes my life easier.”

Pinelli adds that the customer can review the design, make changes, take measurements, and more from the platform. Because the customer is intimately involved in the process, B&S has complete confidence in the approved design.

Moving Forward

B&S plans to leverage the 3DEXPERIENCE platform further by integrating more workflow processes with Dassault Systèmes products, such as DELMIAWorks and simulation. By embracing advanced tools and collaborative technologies, B&S is not only improving operational efficiency but also driving forward the future of automation engineering.

To watch the video case study, click here or to read the full case study, click here. If you would like to learn more about how Dassault Systèmes design and manufacturing solutions can help your company, contact your local reseller.

Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. offers complete 3D software tools that let you create, simulate, publish, and manage your data. SolidWorks products are easy to learn and use, and work together to help you design products better, faster, and more cost-effectively. The SolidWorks focus on ease-of-use allows more engineers, designers and other technology professionals than ever before to take advantage of 3D in bringing their designs to life.