Brush up on your SOLIDWORKS skills at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2021!

With 3DEXPERIENCE World 2021 going virtual this year – you don’t have to convince your boss to spend money on a plane ticket or conference fees in order to attend some great technical sessions! It’s simply a matter of registering and connecting to the sessions of your choice from the comfort of your own home of office (or sandy beach, if you’re so fortunate).
The slate of over 130 amazing classes is posted up on the 3DEXPERIENCE World site for your perusal. Here you will find those super helpful SOLIDWORKS sessions with plenty of tips from seasoned users and SOLIDWORKS technical experts as well as how-tos on all the products in the 3DEXPERIENCE Works portfolio. Check out these great class titles:
10 Essential Tips to Make SOLIDWORKS Assemblies Faster
Coping with Non-SOLIDWORKS Users’ Data
I am Lazy, Tips to Make SOLIDWORKS Work for you
The Best SOLIDWORKS Feature Enhancements of This Decade
Maybe you’ve heard about the 3DEXPERIENCE platform but want to see it in action – here is your chance. Thinking about moving your data to the cloud? You’ll find sessions that show you the ins and outs of data management on the cloud as well so you can make an educated decision. Looking to amp-up your design possibilities with simulation? We have a boatload of great Simulation classes for you to expand your horizons with.

We’ve also added an Executive track geared specifically towards the C-Level attendees, although I think that anyone would find these sessions inspiring. For you CAD Managers, we have a track with need-to-know information to help keep your departments running smoothly. And, for our DELMIAWORKS customers – we have plenty of sessions to ensure you are getting the most out of your software.
This year we entrusted our SOLIDWORKS Champions to advise us during the class selection process. With the new SOLIDWORKS Champions Program, select Champions are working together with our internal track leaders in a variety of ways. We’ve paired several of our ‘Track Champions’ with internal track leaders to make sure the user voice is better represented on the user agenda than ever before. They helped ensure that our courses would be spot-on and worth your valuable time. Read more about our Track Champions in this blog post.
We also have a high percentage of users presenting this year, which guarantees you get the real-deal when it comes to advice and field-tested best practices.
The Virtual Tech Session Experience
So what exactly will happen when you log onto a technical session during 3DEXPERIENCE World? You will see a recorded class that is followed by a live Q&A (by the presenter). Why a recorded class? Since we’ve all fallen victim at this point to dropped or spotty internet coverage while working remotely during the pandemic, I probably don’t need to answer this question.
We want to make sure your experience is as good as possible with no tech session malfunctions! Since we can’t control the quality of everyone’s internet connections, we are offering a hybrid of “live” and recorded content. That said, we are hoping to have most presenters on camera to ensure your experience feels as “real” as can be (under the present circumstances). You also have an opportunity to get your questions answered live by the experts – a great 3DEXPERIENCE World opportunity!
If you’ve never been able to attend 3DEXPERIENCE World before – now is the time to get a taste for the live event. But let me warn you – after tuning in this year, you may find it hard to resist joining us when we return for the live event in 2022!
Register today for 3DEXPERIENCE World 2021!