SWUGN Group Leader Spotlight – Randy Adams

Randy Adams – Miami Valley User Group – Dayton, Ohio

randy randy 2Randy is a long time SOLIDWORKS user and he’s been the Miami Valley SOLIDWORKS User Group leader for almost as long. (10 years!) “The first time I started using SOLIDWORKS was in 1997 and I’m still learning new things about it at every user group meeting I attend.” 

He’s been with the group since the very beginning and is even one of the tri-chairmen; Nick Taulbee, Al Pristera, and he got the group going with the help of Don Hope from 3D Vision. Since then, the group has grown to over 90 users and meets four times a year.

So, Randy, what’s the best meeting your group has ever had? “With the help from Don Hope, we had a great meeting at Gander Mountain and did a bow & arrow shooting contest at the store. The last arrow was about half the length of the rest and you got 5 times the point with that one. Everyone was talking about it.”

In the 10 years that the group has been running the “worst” meeting the MVSWUG has had was when there was a mix-up with the food; as every member knows SWUGN meetings just aren’t the same without free food! “One meeting I pre-order on line our food and thought it was all covered. Then we found out that the place was trying to deliver it somewhere in the Cincinnati area. Don Hope was kind enough to go to Little Cesar’s and get some hot and now pizza to save the day.“

randy 3

Why should every SOLIDWORKS user attend a local meeting? “Every meeting I learn something new about SOLIDWORKS.” Even though Randy is a certified SOLIDWORKS expert, he thinks attending SWUGN meetings are a great learning opportunity.

As if Randy couldn’t get any cooler (check out his SOLIDWORKS tattoo), he’s also a “dog and Ford Mustang lover who likes to square dance, golf, and do 10K walks (Volks marching). We have 7 cocker spaniels living with us that we rescued. We also take our 2016 and 2005 Mustangs to car shows”

randy collageInterested in hanging out with Randy and the MVSWUG to chat about anything and everything SOLIDWORKS? Their next meeting is on June 9th! “We have a great bunch of people that are willing to take time from their personal life and meet with a bunch of nerds and talk about the software they are using.”

Since 1996, SOLIDWORKS User Groups have been a valuable resource for SOLIDWORKS users all over the world.  The SWUGN Committee and DS SOLIDWORKS provide ample support, but the real stars are the SOLIDWORKS User Group Leaders. Every week or so we’ll spotlight one of our group leaders and the local user group chapter that they are responsible for leading.

Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. offers complete 3D software tools that let you create, simulate, publish, and manage your data. SolidWorks products are easy to learn and use, and work together to help you design products better, faster, and more cost-effectively. The SolidWorks focus on ease-of-use allows more engineers, designers and other technology professionals than ever before to take advantage of 3D in bringing their designs to life.