A Wedding Anniversary?? At SOLIDWORKS World??

Please welcome guest blogger Jade Blacksher as she explains why she and Todd celebrate their wedding anniversary each year at SOLIDWORKS World.


I don’t go to any sessions. I don’t have any ribbons on my badge holder (aside from the Bacon Brotherhood IF I tweet a photo of some bacon related food).  I have, however attended SOLIDWORKS World eight times. Why? It seems strange that as a guest I would get really excited as January rolls around every year. Some very cool things have happened to me over the years that I have been attending World.

The first year I attended, 2006, Todd and I got married. Yep, that’s right; I got married at SOLIDWORKS World in Las Vegas. That Monday at noon, Todd and I made our way down Las Vegas Boulevard to The Stratosphere hotel. We rode the 1000 + feet to the top and strapped ourselves into The Big Shot ride where we would take our vows (Elvis vows of course. This WAS Vegas after all). That first year, I didn’t go to any opening sessions or evening receptions. I wish I had. Knowing what I know now, I’m sure the speakers and demonstrations would have been very interesting. I did, however attend the off-site event. Heck yeah I did. I raced Todd on the ¼ mile track in an Audi TT. HECK YEAH I DID!!!

Since that first year, I’ve gone to the opening sessions every day, gone to the evening receptions every night, enjoyed the speakers, the demonstrations, the hilarious skits (my favorite is the “Back to the Future” skit).

I’ve learned a thing or two in my years attending SOLIDWORKS World.

  1. When they are revealing the enhancements during the opening session, it’s fun to OOH and AHH with everyone else, even if you have no idea what they are talking about.
  2. Always go to the evening reception. The food is great and it’s interesting to see all of the booths and items that people have on display.
  3. This one is important: When you enter the reception hall, go to the left. They usually have a bartender stationed at the far left corner of the hall. In my experience, they have the local beer and are lonely.

So what has me coming back every year?

Coming to SOLIDWORKS World for me is like attending the best high school reunion EVERY YEAR. All of the kids are “The Cool Kids”. All of the Teachers are “The Most Loved Teacher”.  The food is always amazing and the off-site event is always off the chain.

I’ve had a chance to check out the haunted ships with Kristen, go whale watching and tour historic towns with Melinda, play trivia with Rose and even wandered around Coronado Island with Dan.

There’s always something to do while you all are in your sessions.  Keep an eye on Twitter (#SWW16WW) for some fun things to see and do while you’re in Dallas . If this is your first time or you’re looking for people to adventure with, just send me a note through twitter at @MrsBlacksher. I’m always happy to meet new people and do cool things.


Thanks Jade.  We are all looking forward to helping you and Todd celebrate your 10th Anniversary!!

Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.