SOLIDWORKS Meets Star Wars

What happens when SOLIDWORKS Meets Star Wars? Around here, we’ve been celebrating and preparing for Fridays’ release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens for a while now. If you’re following us on Instagram, you might remember the Darth Vader pumpkin from Model Mania guru Mark Schneider.

Friday, a new generation of Star Wars fans will be born. Let’s help usher them in, SOLIDWORKS style. I’ve been watching and reading your posts and comments where SOLIDWORKS meets Star Wars, and I picked a few of my favorites to share with you today. I reached out the creators of each model featured below and asked them to tell me a little bit about what Star Wars means to them, and why they decided to model something up in SOLIDWORKS.

First up, meet GoEngineer’s Shivani Patel. She recently wrote an awesome article for their blog discussing that dent in Boba Fett’s helmet. How did it get there? Did the force required to make the dent require use of the force? Who doesn’t love a good fan theory?

SOLIDWORKS Meets Star Wars: Boba Fett
“Boba Fett always intrigued me because he was an average (cloned) guy fighting against and alongside fantastical Jedi powers. His worn armor hints at that history, but the movies never give us any explanation, nor him much focus. When considering the iconic lightsaber shaped dent in his helmet, I decided to take my curiosity into my own hands, and I used my engineering and analysis skills to finally get some answers.” ~Shivani Patel

Next up, let’s take a look at cosplay artist Daniel Lilygreen’s BB-8 model. Why does that name sound familiar? A couple of months back, Daniel helped me celebrate the release of Fallout 4.

SOLIDWORKS Meets Star Wars: BB-8 Ball Droid
“I have always been an avid fan of the Stars Wars universe, whether it being the films themselves or the many games and toys spawned from the saga, especially the Lego based ones. From a young age, I have watched the films countless times and have enjoyed every moment as the unique fight scenes, hero’s and villain’s, and the brilliant soundtrack come together to make these films truly memorable.” ~Daniel Lilygreen

This next model was pointed out to me by SOLIDWORKS Certification guru, Mike Puckett. I reached out to the man behind the model, Bill Hamze, after watching this awesome YouTube video featuring a Storm Trooper model he created. I absolutely loved what Bill had to say – when you need to brush up or learn new SOLIDWORKS skills, have some fun with it! Create a model you can get excited about!

SOLIDWORKS Meets Star Wars: Storm Trooper
“The idea for modeling the helmet started after viewing the trailer for the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie. Needless to say I was pumped, as many Star Wars fans would be. Originally, I wanted to model the newer version of helmet but couldn’t find suitable prints. I finally chose to model the older version as good prints were available. The reason why I chose to model  the helmet in the first place was quite honestly to practice my surfacing skills. I use SOLIDWORKS on a daily basis, but surfacing tools not so much. This gave me an opportunity to practice on something I would enjoy doing. It was fun and great refresher. I learned/relearned a lot.” ~Bill Hamze

Last up, what’s a Jedi without his lightsaber? Mark Barrow from our product introduction team shared with me his version of Obi-Wan’s lightsaber. Rendered in SOLIDWORKS Visualize, it’s sure to get you pumped for the big weekend!

SOLIDWORKS Meets Star Wars: Light saber
“With all the hype around the new film I thought it would be fun to recreate some of the iconic props from the original films in SOLIDWORKS. Once I started looking, I was amazed at the amount of detailed information (drawings, physical models, etc.) created and shared by fans around the world, it’s as if these things are real products!” ~Mark Barrow

Help us celebrate by showing off your Star Wars models in the comments down below! We’d love to see what you’ve created! If you know someone you think should be featured on our blogs, please email me at and tell me all about it. As always, thank you so much for reading, and may the force be with you!

Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. offers complete 3D software tools that let you create, simulate, publish, and manage your data. SolidWorks products are easy to learn and use, and work together to help you design products better, faster, and more cost-effectively. The SolidWorks focus on ease-of-use allows more engineers, designers and other technology professionals than ever before to take advantage of 3D in bringing their designs to life.