SOLIDWORKS User Group Network News
SOLIDWORKS User Groups around the world are prepping for Q4 meetings, and there are some really good meetings on the SWUGN calendar. Here are some highlights of the next two weeks:
Top rated SOLIDWORKS World presenter Neil Custard has been making the user group rounds lately, and he shows up at the Orange County SOLIDWORKS User Group on October 19th.
The Mid-Hudson Valley SOLIDWORKS User Group will hold it’s first meeting on October 20th. My email trail went dead, but I think someone very cool is going to show up to present (Matt Rohr? David Antanavige?).
Another new group, another first meeting. Delhi Technological University will host the New Delhi SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting on October 21st.
For you SOLIDWORKS Composer users in the Northwest US, The Greater Portland/Vancouver Composer User Group will meet on October 21st. Leviton Manufacturing Co. will host.
Jeff Holliday is back, and so is the Mid-Atlantic Region Independent SOLIDWORKS User Group. Join Jeff and the rest of the members at the Horsham Township library on October 21st.
There are ten new international SOLIDWORKS User Groups this year, and Carlos Andrés Mesa Montoya’s SOLIDWORKS User Group of Pereira is one of them. They will hold their fifth meeting of 2015 on October 23rd, and have been averaging more than sixty attendees.
The Nashville SOLIDWORKS User Group always seems to come up with some really cool venues, and this month they’ll be at Video Gaming Technologies in Franklin. If they keep this up, I may have to move to Nashville so I can attend every meeting.

Wayne Scott takes over the Treasure Valley SOLIDWORKS User Group, and will lead his first meeting on October 27th at the College of Western Idaho.
Former TriCounty SOLIDWORKS User Group leader Kevin Goosie has changed careers, and Kendall Shows has agreed to assume leadership of the group. Kendall will host his first meeting on October 28th at Stryker.
A lot of SOLIDWORKS User Groups are starting to meet at colleges and universities these days, but the Rockford Area SOLIDWORKS User Group has been doing it all along. On October 28th, the group will once again meet at Rock Valley College.
The first ever DraftSight User Group will host the first ever DraftSight User Group meeting on October 28th. The New England Area DraftSight User Group meeting will be hosted by SOLIDWORKS’ Alia Murphy, Wai-Ming Chu, and Andreas Kulik, but they will be recruiting leadership in order to take the group to the next level. The meeting will be held at the DS SOLIDWORKS Campus in Waltham.
Way out on the west coast, the Silicon Valley SOLIDWORKS User Group will take a look at “What’s New in SOLIDWORKS 2016” on October 28th.
In other news…
Dean Kerste, Southeast Michigan/Northwest Ohio SOLIDWORKS User Group leader sent me a note this morning about their biggest meeting ever that was held this week. More than 100 people showed up at Monroe County Community College, but the highlight may have been the celebration for Christopher Setzler, the first MCCC student to achieve CSWE Certification. More about this meeting on their Facebook page.
I’ve been having some fun with Twitter (@SWUGN) the past couple of weeks with a new #SWUGN #FLASHBACKFRIDAY series of Tweets.
And finally…
Registration for SOLIDWORKS World 2016 is open. Join us in Dallas January 31st through February 3rd for the biggest, bestest, most fantastic event of the year.