A SWUGN Update and a Look Ahead
Registration has opened for the first three SWUGN Technical Summits in Albany, Des Moines, and St. Louis. Agendas and more information about these events can found on the SWUGN website.
Richard Laflamme reports that the Western Ontario SOLIDWORKS User Group had it’s biggest meeting of all time when 47 people showed up for the last meeting.

The first meeting of the Central New Jersey SOLIDWORKS User Group was a success, according to group leader Shawn Casebolt. Maybe it was the Chipotle they served for dinner.
Ed Poole and Ed Gebo served up pizza to 65 members of the Connecticut SOLIDWORKS User Group at the American Clock and Watch Museum two weeks ago. No word on whether or not the meeting ended on time.
Coming up in the network…
It’s a slow week meeting-wise in the SOLIDWORKS User Group Network, but next week gets really busy for a lot of folks, myself included.
This week we have four SOLIDWORKS User Group meetings on the calendar, three of them for groups that have been around for quite a while:
Chicago SOLIDWORKS User Group – 17 years
La Crosse, Eau Claire, Winona Area (LEWA) SOLIDWORKS User Group – 12 years
Buffalo/Niagara SOLIDWORKS User Group – 11 years
South Central New Jersey SOLIDWORKS User Group – the baby in the family at 1-1/2 years
I’ll be in the state of Wisconsin next week for meetings in Sheboygan, Fond du Lac, and Appleton. Greg Jankowski may join me for a couple of the meetings. I hope you will too.