SOLIDWORKS User Group Network News
I heard about a couple of great meetings last week:
David Antanavige of the Long Island SOLIDWORKS User Group reports that 57 people attended his latest meeting, and many of them stayed until well past the meetings end. Since moving from the Albany area and starting up LISWUG, David’s been reaching even more SOLIDWORKS users than ever.

Dave and Buster’s was the setting for the recent Panama City Beach SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting. More than 40 people enjoyed a couple of technical presentations and then moved on to the games area to network, have some fun, and win a bunch of tickets. No reports on which D&B trinkets they traded for. Thanks Kendra Wardlow for setting it all up.

Mike Morales of the Orlando SOLIDWORKS User Group reports “Delicious food once again”.
Chris White and the Ontario SOLIDWORKS User Group had a great meeting last week that they are still talking about.
And here’s what’s coming up this week:
3D printing is one of the topics at the South Metro Denver SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting on the 29th.
John Matrishon and the Western Mass SOLIDWORKS User Group are expecting tow very exciting guests this week.
There’s that David Antanavige guy again, presenting at the inaugural Central New Jersey SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting.
And there are 24 meetings on the SWUGN calendar.