SOLIDWORKS World 2015 – Here's Where You Can Find Me (Part 1)

I love meeting new people at SOLIDWORKS World and I spend my days there talking to as many people as I can. I can’t possibly go around and meet all 6,000 people, but I can make it a little easier to find me if you’d like to talk SOLIDWORKS, SWUGN, MySolidWorks, or anything to do with the SOLIDWORKS Community.

I’ll arrive Friday morning and head straight to the hotel. After checking in (and unpacking a week’s worth of clothes), I’ll probably check out the conference center. I like to get familiar with the breakout room locations, the Partner Pavilion, and of course, the breakfast and lunch rooms. There are usually some of my fellow SOLIDWORKS employees hanging around, and a smattering of attendees that came in early. Friday evening is filled up already, with an employee “meeting” and dinner with the boss.
A lot of attendees come in on Saturday in order to be ready for Sunday’s Boot Camp, Certification Testing, and Alpha testing/Roundtable meetings. I will typically hang out in or near the conference center or move between the host hotels welcoming some of the early attendees. Saturday night starts out with the Partner Appreciation event (invite only) and a Community Team meeting.
Finally!! Sunday is a big day, and I’ll start out at registration at 7:00am sharp as one of the “Ambassadors”. We’ll help you get registered, we can help you find the Boot Camp or Certification tests, and we can answer most of your questions regarding the rest of the week. I will skip out at 8:00am for breakfast with the SWUGN Committee, but I’ll be back.
I typically pop in to the CAD Managers Boot Camp before it gets started just to watch the room fill up with 500 – 700 people. I’ll head back down to registration until 5:30pm, then make a beeline for the Partner Pavilion and the welcome reception. I hope you’ll take a few minutes and join us at the SWUGN “pod” to talk SOLIDWORKS User Groups.
Only three days in and I’m tired already.
Tomorrow – Where I’ll be Monday – Wednesday.