How Electrical Engineers Moved from Paper Sketches to 3D

3D_Cab_render_1While researching for my article “Evolution or Revolution: The New Dimension in Electrical Design”, I came to the realization quickly that we take for granted the endless volumes of development that has taken place in a relatively short span of time,  that directly impact all aspects of our daily life from electrical  inventions.  Without the world-shattering advances in electrical technology, our lives would be completely different in an alternate reality. It is fascinating to imagine what our world would be like without the discovery of electricity and countless inventions that followed.

It’s not just the advances in the commonly recognized electrical items such light bulbs, computers, etc., it’s the overall change in the way which we proliferate technology.

When I really think about it, without these innovations, I would probably be designing steam driven contraptions.

I invite you to read my article and let me know what you think… are the advances in electrical “Evolution” or “Revolution”?
