Greater Evansville Area Sets a Record – Scott is Happy

The Greater Evansville Area SOLIDWORKS User Group set a new attendance record last week, and group leader Scott Baugh shared some of his thoughts.

At this time last year we had the largest meeting on record, well…we broke that record last Thursday by 2 coming in with a total of 48 attendees.  We even had a few people cancel at the last minute and some just didn’t show up… if those people would have come it would have been an even larger crowd. I saw several new faces this time. There were 16 new users who signed the RSVP list.

Kevin Williams of Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center (or SICTC) gave a very quick overview about the school, and what they do. I recently visited SICTC and we will be having a meeting out there this year. Its very nice facility and is a great place for students to learn a good trade.

David LeBanc of SOLIDWORKS gave an awesome presentation on the importance of the CAD Admin Dashboard and what it can do for you and your company. He also spoke about the importance of the SOLIDWORKS Beta program.  The SOLIDWORKS Beta Program is very important and I recommend that you look into doing it if you have time.

Chris Snider of 3DVision gave us the final presentation of the evening. He done a fantastic presentation on “Multi-bodies are Better Than One”. I asked specifically for this one, because I was surfing around 3DVision’s website and found it. I knew everyone in GEASWUG would love this one. I even learned a couple of new techniques.

I want to thank everyone for attending our meeting and making it a great success yet again. These meetings are for you and without you it wouldn’t be possible to continue. I really want thank all of you for the last 3 years for your support. I wanted to bring a cake to celebrate our 3rd year of being a SW group, but I just didn’t make it to the store in time to get a cake brought it. Maybe next year we can celebrate 4 years during the SWUGN Summit we are “going” to have next year (positive thinking).

I also want to thank first or foremost DS SOLIDWORKS for supporting our group and providing the food, drinks and prize giveaways. I would like to include 3DConnexion, Rapid Group, 3DVision, & DASI for taking time out of their busy schedules to join us, without your support these meetings would not be possible.

I personally want to thank all the officers, as well as Kerry Austin. Though he is not part of the board he always helps out during the meetings at Berry Plastics, as the door man. You have all probably met him, as he helps all of you get through the security door in the parking lot, and points you in the right direction of the meeting. The officers help out during each meeting. They provide the support I need to keep the meetings going and making sure all the details are taken care of. Their input, as well as the work they do during the meetings is invaluable.  It’s very much appreciated. Thank you very much!

I hope to see all of you again very soon at our next meeting. I will be in touch in the coming months for our next meeting should be planned for some time in June.

Thanks Scott, and congratulations on a superb meeting!!

Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.
Richard Doyle
Richard Doyle