Woody Woodruff Helps People that "Wanna Go Fast"
When I was ten years old, I thought Gary Gabelich was the coolest guy on earth. His car, the “Blue Flame”, set a new land speed record at over 622mph, besting a record that was set and had been held for years by Craig Breedlove (who I also thought was pretty cool). A couple of years later, my uncle introduced our family to a new friend of his, Mike Mitchell, the self-proclaimed “World’s Fastest Hippie”, a drag racer from the San Francisco area. The day they parked his funny car out in front of our house made us the envy of the neighborhood.
I don’t know how long David “Woody” Woodruff has been interested in speed records, but I do know that he loves to talk about it. And people listen. Woody’s “Project BUB” session at SolidWorks World 2010 stands as the 5th highest rated session ever, and his 5-year overall average ranks him as the #1 all-time presenter at SolidWorks World.
This years session “The Scoop on Scoops”, takes a look at how SolidWorks and SolidWorks Flow Simulation helped design and optimize hood scoops for two hotrods competing at the Bonneville salt flats in Utah. If you are a fan of racing, this is a must see session.
The Scoop on Scoops
Tuesday, January 28th
10:30am to 12:00pm – Room 9