SolidWorks World 2014 – The 15th Annual SWUGN Summit Meeting
I still remember the first SWUGN Summit meeting at SolidWorks World 2000 in New Orleans. Of course, it wasn’t called the SWUGN Summit yet, and it wasn’t even called a meeting. The official description that year was “The SNUG Roundtable”.
We didn’t have a table, but roughly thirty of us sat in a big circle and started the meeting with introductions. By the time the last person had finished, we were almost out of time. I do remember that SolidWorks reiterated their support for SolidWorks user groups – technical, promotional, and financial. The rest is kind of a blur.
The SWUGN Summit meeting has evolved since then, and has become a conference staple. Every year on conference Monday, a couple hundred or so SolidWorks user group leaders and members, SolidWorks employees, and SolidWorks Partner companies join the meeting to hear the latest information about the SolidWorks User Group Network. I can guarantee some applause, laughter, and a boisterous atmosphere. I can also guarantee some special guests (CEO’s have been known to stop by), a special offer from Mike and Avelino, and the chance to meet some of the finest people I’ve ever known – the SWUGN Committee and our user group leaders and officers.
Attending the 15th Annual SWUGN Summit meeting does mean missing out on a breakout session, but if you are interested in forming your own group, joining an existing group, or just getting the chance to meet people you’ve heard good things about, it will be worth it. Last year in Orlando, more than 200 people thought it was.

15th Annual SWUGN Summit
Monday, January 27th – 4:30pm to 6:00pm
Room 14A/B