I Hate Cool Technology!!!
Yes…it's true, but more appropriately I should say that I hate cool technology that's nothing more than cool. In other words, if technology does not add value in terms of time saved, decreased costs, reduced scrap, a healthier planet or even an improved quality of life, I'm just not that interested…but I don't really hate it 😉
And this might cause a dilemma for me because 3DVIA Composer is really, really cool. But even better, 3DVIA Composer is also extremely valuable. You might remember in my last blog I said how 3DVIA Composer was so easy to use even a plastics guy could do it? Well that's still true, and one of the things I'd like to tell you about this week is how easy it is to use 3DVIA Composer to create high resolution graphics for 2D-based assembly instructions, product guides and maintenance manuals.
You simply:
- Bring your SolidWorks model into 3DVIA Composer,
- Manipulate the geometry into the views you need to communicate procedures such as assembly/disassembly, maintenance, repair, etc.,
- Save those views as jpeg's, tiff's, bitmaps or png's,
- Insert those images into your final document using your publishing software of choice and you're done.
- Drink beer. (oops!…I'm new to this blog editor and I couldn't figure out a way to delete this step but pay no attention to it!)
The end result is some really cool documentation that your internal & external customers will also find extremely valuable because it will be next to impossible for them to assemble, disassemble, use, maintain or repair your products the wrong way. See for yourself…
So until next time…clear your mind, focus and get that project done!