Registration and Pre Show from the Internet Correspondent

Hello all. Let me introduce myself.

My name is Chris McAndrew and I'll be taking over this blog for the next few days. Thanks to the folks at Solidworks I've been given a pass, camera, and free reign on the yearly summit of designers, engineers, managers who want to go somewhere warm in the dead of winter. Solidworks World! They gave me this job after a post over at my own blog where all of this content will be cross posted (and maybe some extras).

The instructions from Matt West on what is expected of me this week. "Nothing, but just let me look at your posts first". Good thing we're not in Vegas.

For those of you at the conference, if you see me please stop me in the hall or mid-conversation and say hello. If you're unable to join us in person and will be following along online have no fear. There is plenty in store. So far I have interviews setup with nearly a dozen bloggers, 4 Solidworks employees, loads of people at the Partner pavilion. If there is a get together to review the product or get a specific collection of users (of user group leaders) I've probably got it on my schedule.There will be videos of most of these, links to presentation slides, written tips and tricks and if you follow me on Twitter ( @cbmcandrew or check out the #Sww10 tab) I'll promise to consume one extra drink from one of the many open bars we've got.

Videos will be embedded in Posts or available on Youtube at the SWWCorrespondent account.