You used the software for what???

It's summer*, which means there's a gang of interns roaming the halls here. It's nice to have some young people around, which makes me feel increasingly old at the ripe age of 33. One of the great things about college students is that they think of stuff that you never would.

So when I was asking my intern to come up with some interesting things for our Facebook page a little while ago, he mentioned something about SolidWorks graffiti. To be honest, I didn't really understand what he meant. So imagine my surprise when, three minutes after leaving my office, I get this in my inbox:

Grafiiti sweet
Copyright Josh Harris

So that's what he meant. Never in a hundred years would I have though that someone would do something like this, but I think it's pretty cool nonetheless.

What other unorthodox usages of SolidWorks (or any other CAD software for that matter) have you seen?

* Here in Massachusetts, it'e summer in name only. I don't think the mercury has risen above 80 degrees fahrenheit the entire month.

Matthew West

SolidWorks alumnus. I like plate reverb, Rat pedals, Thai curry, New Weird fiction, my kids, Vespas, Jazzmasters, my wife & Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not necessarily in that order.