SWUGN Summit – Columbus
Columbus, Ohio is the next stop on the 2009 SWUGN Technical Summit tour. As many as five (maybe even six) user groups will be represented on July 21st, and the list of presenters is impressive to say the least.
Richard Wand
Randy Adams
(Kevin) Jeff Sweeney/Scott High
David Woodruff
Craig Sink
Larry Moore
I'll be there too, cutting off a couple of vacation days to make a quick trip from Denver on Monday night. My flight back leaves at 6:07pm – good thing the venue is close to the airport.
The User Group Leaders in the Ohio area (thanks Randy, Dave,Richard, Jeff, and Stevan) have done a great job ramping up interest. We're still three weeks out and registration is booming. It looks to be a very good event.
Registration is still open, and we have a couple of speaking slots to fill. If you are interested in being a session speaker, send me a note or leave a comment. If you're looking to attend, register here.