Simulation starters

Hello from the world of SolidWorks Simulation, my name is Tony Eckersley and yes I really do look like that picture in real life. Thanks Justin!!

Let me introduce myself first, I live in the North West of England and whenever possible help our resellers provide the highest level of service to customers who want to branch out into simulation.

I am actually new to SolidWorks and so in the past few weeks I have been out and about visiting a number of customers who are interested in starting down the simulation route – and a few who are already there. I thought I’d start by sharing a little anecdote with you that will get us going. There is one common and fundamental question that keeps coming up when people think about using simulation.

“How do I know my answers will be right?”

Good question really isn’t it, after all if you can’t be sure of this, why bother at all? In reality though, there are two important things that are overlooked and usually make it alright on the night.

Firstly, the resellers work very hard to provide you with training to make sure you know how to use the tools properly and support you once you've begun. I know this because I’ve seen the effort they put in! They will help you get started in the right direction – whatever that requires.

Secondly, whenever I show a customer a simulation that isn’t doing what they expect, it doesn’t take more than a few seconds before someone points it out. That tells me one thing. You know your products better than anyone else (handy really) and this knowledge normally tells you if everything is running along pretty smoothly, or if you need to seek a bit of help.

In reality, with all the help on hand, it’s never usually that difficult to get into the swing of things and then you are ready to take on the world. Well, that’s how I look at it anyway.

Matthew West

SolidWorks alumnus. I like plate reverb, Rat pedals, Thai curry, New Weird fiction, my kids, Vespas, Jazzmasters, my wife & Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not necessarily in that order.